Basic librat / start operation

Librat is the library of function calls around which you can write your own code to do things such as read in and parse an object file, read in and parse camera, illumination files, waveband files and so on. However, start is a wrapper code around these commands which gives you access to all the basic operations, and so is the de facto tool for doing simulations. The key things required to carry out a simulation are:

  • A camera file

  • An illumination file

  • A waveband file

  • An object file - this is always assumed to be the last file on the start command line

Anything specific you want to do in any of these parts of the process is specified in these files. There are a limited number of additional command line options which either allow you to override a few key things in these files (the waveband file for example), or more usually are external to these things. Each of these can be passed through via the -RAT keyword. Examples are the ray tree depth (-RATm) , verbose level (-RATv), waveband file (-RATsensor_wavebands) etc.

Object example 1: planes and ellipsoids

We will create the files we need as we go along, using bash shell cat <<EOF > filename syntax. If we type:

cat <<EOF > filename
this is line 1
this is line 2

then a file called filename will be generated, containing the information up to the EOF marker:

this is line 1
this is line 2

We first create a directory to do our work (using the linux command mkdir in a bash shell):

mkdir -p test/test_examples

Now, a simple scene object `test/test_examples/first.obj <test/test_examples/first.obj>`__


cat <<EOF > test/test_examples/first.obj
# My first object file
mtllib plants.matlib
usemtl white
v 0 0 0
v 0 0 1
plane -1 -2
usemtl white
v 0 0 1000
ell -1 30000 30000 1000

This object uses a material library `plants.matlib <test/test_examples/plants.matlib>`__ that specifies the reflectance and transmittance properties of the scene materials.


cat <<EOF > test/test_examples/plants.matlib
srm white refl/white.dat

In this example, the file contains the single line:

srm white refl/white.dat

so there is only a single material of type srm (standard reflectance material - Lambertian reflectance (and/or transmittance). The material name is white and the (ASCII) file giving the spectral reflectance function is `refl/white.dat <test/test_examples/refl/white.dat>`__.


mkdir -p test/test_examples/refl

cat <<EOF > test/test_examples/refl/white.dat
0 1
10000 1

The file `refl/white.dat <test/test_examples/refl/white.dat>`__ contains 2 columns: column 1 is ‘wavelength’ (really, a pseudo-wavelength in this case), column 2 is reflectance for that wavelength (wavelength units are arbitrary, but we usually use nm).

In this case, the file specifies:

0 1
10000 1

which is a reflectance of 1.0 for any wavelength (less than or equal to an arbitrary upper limit 10000). If the file specifies transmittance as well, this is given as a third column.

Looking back to `test/test_examples/first.obj <test/test_examples/first.obj>`__, the line:

mtllib plants.matlib

tells the librat reader to load the ‘material library’ called `plants.matlib <test/test_examples/plants.matlib>`__. First, it will look in the current directory for the file. If it doesn’t find it there, it will see if the environment variable MATLIB is set. If so, it will look there next.

Environment variables

The following environmental variables can be used:


File types


material library e.g. `plants.matlib <test/test_examples/plants.matlib>`__, all materials defined in a material library e.g. `refl/white.dat <test/test_examples/refl/white.dat>`__


(extended) wavefront object files e.g. `first.obj <test/test_examples/first.obj>`__


spectral files for direct illumination: those defined in -RATdirect command line option


sensor waveband files: those defined in -RATsensor_wavebands command line option


Not used

You can set all of these to the same value, in which case the database of files is all defined relative to that point. This is the most typical use of librat. We illustrate this setup below for the librat distribution, where a set of examples use files from the directory test/test_example.

Additionally, the following environment variables can be set to extend the size of some aspects of the model. You would only need to use these in some extreme case.




Maximum number of groups allowed (100000)


Maximum number of materials allowed (DEFAULT_PRAT_MAX_MATERIALS=1024 in mtllib.h)

In this case, we would want to set MATLIB to test/test_examples before invoking librat. In bash for example, this is done with:


export MATLIB=test/test_examples

Let’s put all of these into a shell called ` <test/test_examples/>`__:


# create the file we want

cat <<EOF > $outfile
# preamble
# set shell variables lib, bin, verbose
# with defaults in case not set

# set up required environment variables for bash
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="\${lib}:\${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}"
export PATH="\${bin}:\${PATH}"

# set up required environment variables for librat
export TEST=\${BPMS}/test/test_example
export MATLIB=\$TEST
export RSRLIB=\$TEST

if [ "\$(which start)" == "\${bin}/start" ]
  if [ "\$VERBOSE" ]; then
      echo "start found ok"
  # we should create them
  make clean all

# set executable mode
chmod +x $outfile
# test run
start found ok
[ ]:

The object code line:

usemtl white

tells librat to load the material named white. Since we defined that in `plants.matlib <test/test_examples/plants.matlib>`__ as type srm with spectral file `refl/white.dat <test/test_examples/refl/white.dat>`__, the material will have a Lambertian reflectance of 1.0 for all (up to 10000 units) wavelengths.


cat <<EOF > test/test_examples/white.dat
1 1.0
1000 1.0
mtllib plants.matlib
usemtl white
v 0 0 0
v 0 0 1
plane -1 -2
usemtl white
v 0 0 1000
ell -1 30000 30000 1000

The fields starting v in `test/test_examples/first.obj <test/test_examples/first.obj>`__ denote a vertex (vector) (as in the standard wavefront format). This requires 3 numbers to be given after the v giving the {x,y,z} coordinates of the vector. Note that v fields can specify a location or direction vector.

The fields plane and ell specify scene objects. We will look at a fuller range of such objects later, but these two allow for a simple scene specification. plane is an infinite planar object. It is defined by an intersection point (location vector) I and a direction vector N. These vectors need to be defined before a call is made to the object, so in this case, we define I as 0 0 0 and N as 0 0 1, i.e. an x-y plane at z=0.

Thus plane -1 -2 means ‘define a plane with N given by the previous (-1) specified vector that goes through I given by the second to last specified vector (-2).’

ell is an ellipsoid object. Its description requires definition of:

  • the base (N.B. not the centre) of the ellipsoid (-1 here, meaning the previously-defined vector - 0 0 1000 in this case);

  • the semi-axis lengths in x,y,z directions (30000 30000 1000 here).


v 0 0 1000
ell -1 30000 30000 1000

is in fact a spheroid of x-y semi-axis length 30000 units (arbitrary linear units) and z-semi-axis length 1000 units: a prolate spheroid that extends from -30000 to 30000 in the x- and y-directions and from 1000 to 3000 in the z-direction. Not that the physical unit for these dimensions is arbitrary, but must be consistent throughout.

The fields !{ and !} in `test/test_examples/first.obj <test/test_examples/first.obj>`__ specify that a bounding box should be placed around objects contained within the brackets. This allows for efficient intersection tests in the ray tracing.

We now want to use the code start to run librat functionality.

If you have compiled the code, the executable and library should be in the directory `src <src>`__ as


The suffix for the library will be dll on windows, and so on other operating systems. Lets just check they are there:



ls -l ${lib}/start ${bin}/libratlib.*
-rwxr-xr-x  1 plewis  staff  435444 15 Apr 20:07 ./src/
-rwxr-xr-x  1 plewis  staff   12836 15 Apr 20:07 ./src/start

Don’t worry too much if its not there as we can make it when we need it.


# shell preamble

# set shell variables lib, bin, verbose
# with defaults in case not set

# set up required environment variables for bash
export PATH="${bin}:${PATH}"

# set up required environment variables for librat
export TEST=${BPMS}/test/test_example

if [ $(which start) == './src/start' ]
  if [ $verbose ]; then
      echo "start found ok"
  # we should create them
  make clean all
start found ok

Object example 2: clones


cat <<EOF > test/test_examples/second.obj
mtllib plants.matlib
v 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
v 0.000000 0.000000 1.000000
usemtl full
plane -1 -2
g object 0
usemtl half
v 0 0 0
v 0 0 1
cyl -1 -2 0.1
sph -1 0.2
v -1 0 1
cyl -1 -2 0.1
clone 0 0 0 0 object 0
clone 0 1 0 90 object 0
clone -1 0 0 -90 object 0